Join us at the Pikos Symposium 2023!
By Sarah Alofs
The MODIS tribe is excited to be supporting the Piko Symposium 2023, a prestigious event that brings together dental professionals and industry leaders for an unparalleled learning experience.
The Piko Symposium 2023 is a platform for sharing knowledge, embracing innovation, and fostering collaboration in the dental industry. It is an opportunity for clinicians worldwide to advance their knowledge in the complete array of Full Arch treatment modalities.
Attendees receive 24 CE Hrs, 12 Comprehensive Presentations from 15 of the World’s Master Clinicians, 4 Optional Hands-on Workshops and all held at the amazing Ritz-Carlton Orlando.
To join us for this momentous occasion and connect with like-minded peers while discovering new opportunities for growth and success, register at: Pikos Symposium 2023 | Pikos Institute
Pikos Symposium 2023 | Pikos Institute
Event Date: October 12-14, 2023
Venue: Ritz-Carlton, Orlando
Fifteen of the world’s master clinicians will be presenting their surgical and restorative protocols:
Dr. Carlos Aparicio: Rehabilitation of the Atrophic Maxilla Using the ZAGA Concept and the New Straumann ZAGA Flat and ZAGA Round Zygomatic Implants
Dr. Steven Bongard: Graftless Solutions for the Management of the Severely Atrophic Edentulous Patient
Dr. Vishtasb Broumand: Advanced Full-Arch Implant Rehabilitation for the Atrophic Maxilla: Solving Serious Problems Using Zygomatic and Pterygoid Implants
with a fully digital workflow
Dr. Andrew Ferrier: Hybrid Digital Restorative and Analog Surgery Work Flow for Full Arch Immediate Load, (with Dr. Arshiya Sharafi)
Dr. Alex Fibishenko: Full Arch Compendium: From Complications to Success in Total Immediate Implant based Rehabilitation
Dr. Philip J. Hedger: No Bone? No Problem – Full Arch, Immediate Load Implant Solutions for the Severely Atrophic Maxilla and Mandible, (with Dr. Michael A. Pikos)
Dr. Dan Holtzclaw: Treatment of the Severely Atrophic Maxilla with the PATZI Protocol
Dr. Guy McLellan: Anatomically Guided Techniques and Soft Tissue Management for Extra Maxillary Implants
Dr. Costa Nicolopoulos: Preventing and Managing Full Arch Disasters, (with Dr. Petros Yuvanoglu)
Dr. Michael A. Pikos: No Bone? No Problem – Full Arch, Immediate Load Implant Solutions for the Severely Atrophic Maxilla and Mandible, (with Dr. Philip J. Hedger)
Dr. Arshiya Shafari: Hybrid Digital Restorative and Analog Surgery Work Flow for Full Arch Immediate Load, (with Dr. Andrew Ferrier)
Dr. Bernardo N. de Sousa: Custom Subperiosteal and All on X: A full spectrum protocol for the atrophic jaws without zygomatic implants
Dr. Safa Tahmasebi: The Evolution of the Implant Supported Fixed Prosthesis
Dr. Andrea Tedesco: Zygomatic Implant Treatment: A New Minimally Invasive Technique with Piezoelectric Strumentation
Dr. Petros Yuvanoglu: Preventing and Managing Full Arch Disasters, (with Dr. Costa Nicolopoulos)